Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Mud monsters

On Thursday 20th March, Mud Monsters came to our kindergarten. Mel and Kate introduced us to some interesting facts about our garden.

What's in a garden?
  • Tristan - Plants
  • Sapphire - Worms
  • Ishi - Flowers
  • Angus - Watering, now and again
  • Thisen - Cover with soil
  • Ryan - Big flowers
  • Pierson - Sun
  • Lincoln - Seeds

We looked at some compost which had worms in it and discussed the Compost cycle and the importance of the recycling process.                        

Cow poo was added to our garden and Mel explained that it was like giving our plants and vegetables a vitamin boost (even though it’s smelly!)   


We sang a worm song and learnt a poem about a seed.

We planted various herbs and vegetables including Bok Choy,Silverbeet, Oregano, Chives and Cauliflower.

Each day we will check our garden to see if we need to water it and keep a watch out for anything that is ready to be picked.
Mel and Kate gave each of us a certificate of participation.

EYLDF Community: children show growing appreciation and care for their natural and constructed environments. They explore relationships with other living and non-living things and observe, notice and respond to change.

Spaces for children

The Early Years Learning Framework (Eylf) identifies and recognises that children should be shown and taught to become socially responsible to show respect for the environment.

The National Quality Standards introduced in January 2012 requires that the environment is inclusive and promotes competence, independent exploration and learning through play. (3.2)

Outdoor spaces are organized to engage children in quality experiences in built and natural environments.

Opportunities are provided for children to engage independently with tasks and play.
Tristan using the digger to load sand in the truck.

Nicola swinging on her own.
Kayla and Eva on the double swing.

Good decision making skills are learnt through real life experiences.

Outdoor spaces provide children with the ability to play in small/large groups and to enjoy moments of solitude.

 We have a variety of swings that allow children to practise their skills of being able to get up on the swing and swing themselves.

Some swings are designed for one only and others for two at a time.

Children feel a sense of achievement when they are able to do things on their own.

Climbing stairs and ladders assists with developing gross motor skills.

Taking turns and being mindful of our friends helps build relationships between each other.

The children have a strong sense of wellbeing when they are happy, healthy, safe and connected to others.

Stephanie, Angus and Pierson are painting on the brick wall. They are following and extending their own interests with enthusiasm, energy and concentration. They are confident and involved learners.

Jamil is exploring an aspect of identity through role-play.
Sophie and Prahana are washing babies. They are engaged and contributing to a shared play experience. The girls are under the shade of a sail and the water play is cooling on a hot day.

Indian Dancing

April 4th

Today Ishi’s mum, Irina, came to teach us some Indian dancing.

We got to put on some costumes and listened to “Bollywood” style music.

We watched Irina demonstrate some dance moves which we then copied.

It was quite energetic and lots of fun!

Community: children discover and explore some connections amongst people

My mum also came to help.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Teddy bear picnic

Please bring a teddy bear to kindergarten on Wednesday 2nd April for our Teddy Bear Picnic. We will sing teddy bear songs, ice biscuits and have a picnic together. 
Kathy and Pam.