Dear Parents
As part of our fundraising effort this term, the Legend Park
Pre-school Kinder Committee will be organising an Easter Hamper Raffle. We need your help in two ways.
We need donation
of all forms of non-perishable food that you think appropriate or should I say,
you would like to find in a hamper should you win one. For example, chocolate,
biscuits (salty or sweet), jam, sauces (ice-cream topping or Pad Thai cooking
kit), Olive oil, Nuttela, wine, juices, etc. We hope that each parent can
donate items up to the value of $10. However, we would be most delighted should
you wish to donate more than that.
These items can be dropped off in the kitchenette at Kinder
when you drop your children off but no
later than 14th of March. Gina, Sharon, Kathy or Pam will be
able to help you if you don’t k know where the kitchenette is.
This now brings us to the second way you can help. Once the
hampers have been put together, we need your help and support to buy and sell the raffle tickets. We
hope to make up to three hampers and pictures of the hampers will be displayed
on notice board outside kinder and on the blog. Show these photos to your
relatives and friends to entice them to buy the tickets, too.
Once the hampers have been put together, there will be more
information on how to purchase the tickets. So stay tune.
I will impart with you a motto I start my day with: Make an
effort, not an excuse. Whatever money we make, will go back to buy equipment
and resources for our children, so please be
Warmest regards
Legend Park Pre-school Kinder Committee